Y la volví a encontrar | I met her again
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
The artist is one of the few cartoonists who still develops romance comics.
El cómic romántico es un género de la historieta que representa el amor con todas sus complicaciones, tales como los celos, el matrimonio, el divorcio, la traición y el dolor.
Romance comics is a comics genre depicting romantic love and its attendant complications such as jealousy, marriage, divorce, betrayal, and heartache.
La historieta romántica comenzó después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Las primeras publicaciones fueron impresas en Estados Unidos y el boom del género fue desde 1947 hasta 1966.
The romance comics had their origin in the years immediately following the World War II. The first publications were printed in the United States and the boom of the genre was from 1947 to 1966.
Currently, only some editorials have published the genre including the manga style.
The cartoonist created these pages with the watercolour technique.