V Salón del Cómic / 5th Comic Salon
Friday, December 2, 2011Luis Percáres en la Prensa
Nota periodística publicada en Ojos Inquisidores, junio del 2010.
Artes visuales
V Salón Internacional del Noveno Arte
La muestra reunió obras de artistas chilenos que han sido reconocidos por su trayectoria, tales como Lugoze, Manuel De la Cruz, Miguel Ortiz, Jorcar, Judisan y Luis Alberto Percáres. Este último artista es el autor de la ilustración expuesta en este artículo y que pocos son capaces de realizar, porque la técnica aplicada, bolígrafo sobre papel, es difícil.
Como el país azteca fue invitado al evento, importantes dibujantes enviaron sus trabajos para dar a conocer su crítica social y las temáticas humorísticas que utilizan. Por ejemplo: Oscar Bazaldua, Gabriel Vargas, José Hernández, José Luis Durán y Sixto Valencia.
El certamen fue organizado, por quinto año consecutivo, por la Escuela de Diseño Gráfico de la Universidad Los Leones, en conjunto con la Biblioteca de Santiago y con la colaboración de la Embajada de México en Chile. Este Salón Internacional de la Historieta, Caricatura e Ilustración es una de las primeras iniciativas que hubo en Sudamérica, luego del famoso encuentro anual de Barcelona.
También hubo un espacio para los jóvenes dibujantes chilenos, tales como Tec, Salvador Arenas o Diego Maya. Ellos expusieron en salones dirigidos a públicos específicos, como la Sala Infantil, Juvenil y Adultos. Eso sin contar, la serie de conferencias y talleres en los que participaron para enseñar a los espectadores interesados.
Luis Percáres on the News
This article originally appeared on "Ojos Inquisidores" in June - 2010.
Visual arts
Fifth International Salon of the Ninth Art
Majestic illustrations, cartoons and stunning amazing comic strips, covered the walls of the Library of Santiago during June, thanks to the expertise of leading professional artists from Mexico and Chile.
The exhibition included works by Chilean artists who have been recognized for his career, such as Lugoze, Manuel De la Cruz, Miguel Ortiz, Jorcar, Judisan and Luis Alberto Percáres. This last artist is the author of the illustration showed in this article which not many artists are able to develop, because the technique used, pen on paper, is a difficult one.
As Mexico was invited to the event, important artists sent their works to make known their social criticism and humorous themes that they use. For example: Oscar Bazaldua, Gabriel Vargas, José Hernández, José Luis Durán and Sixto Valencia.
The event was organized for the fifth consecutive year by the School of Graphic Design of Los Leones University, in cooperation with the Library of Santiago and the collaboration of the Embassy of Mexico in Chile. This International Exhibition of Cartoon, Caricature and Illustration is one of the first initiatives in South America after the famous annual meeting in Barcelona, Spain.
Luis Percáres on the News
This article originally appeared on "Ojos Inquisidores" in June - 2010.
Visual arts
Fifth International Salon of the Ninth Art
The exhibition included works by Chilean artists who have been recognized for his career, such as Lugoze, Manuel De la Cruz, Miguel Ortiz, Jorcar, Judisan and Luis Alberto Percáres. This last artist is the author of the illustration showed in this article which not many artists are able to develop, because the technique used, pen on paper, is a difficult one.
As Mexico was invited to the event, important artists sent their works to make known their social criticism and humorous themes that they use. For example: Oscar Bazaldua, Gabriel Vargas, José Hernández, José Luis Durán and Sixto Valencia.
The event was organized for the fifth consecutive year by the School of Graphic Design of Los Leones University, in cooperation with the Library of Santiago and the collaboration of the Embassy of Mexico in Chile. This International Exhibition of Cartoon, Caricature and Illustration is one of the first initiatives in South America after the famous annual meeting in Barcelona, Spain.
There was also a space for Chilean young cartoonists, such as Tec, Salvador Arenas or Diego Maya. They exhibited in salons aimed at specific audiences, as the children, youth and adults areas. Not to mention the series of conferences and workshops where they participated to teach to interested viewers.