46 Años de Sueños... Una trayectoria / 46 Years of Dreams... A trajectory
Saturday, November 26, 2011Artes Visuales
46 Años de Sueños... Una trayectoria
Por Lilian Soledad Pérez
La muestra reúne trabajos originales bajo las técnicas de la acuarela, tinta china y lápiz. El público puede observar y comprender más sobre los géneros del dibujo, tal como la caricatura, la ilustración y el cómic. Es por eso que el expositor explica los conceptos y sus diferencias.
Sin duda que son "46 Años de Sueños... Una Trayectoria", porque el dibujante demuestra que sabe manejar el pincel a su antojo y con la máxima perfección. Esto hace que estemos frente a una muestra de calidad y que no siempre es posible visualizar en Chile.
Luis Alberto Percáres es dibujante, publicista, poeta y artista visual. Sus trabajos han recorrido Chile y el extranjero, por medio de los medios de comunicación, la publicidad y las exposiciones. También ha sido reconocido y galardonado por las nuevas generaciones de artistas, como por diferentes instituciones públicas y privadas.
Si recorremos lentamente las paredes de la galería, podemos encontrar ilustraciones infantiles donde la inocencia de los personajes de cuentos ilusiona, tanto a los adultos como a los menores. También el dibujo humorístico está presente con Tommy, uno de los personajes del artista y que hace sonreír por medio de sus chistes blancos.
Además Luis Alberto Percáres es uno de los pocos dibujantes que ha desarrollado la historieta romántica. Es por eso que presenta páginas de sus últimas creaciones, con el propósito de enseñar más sobre este género.
Y para aquellos que siguen diariamente la contingencia noticiosa, podrán disfrutar de las caricaturas y los retratos de personajes famosos. Así nos sorprendemos con los actores de cine, presidentes de países, deportistas destacados, cantantes y gente de la televisión.
La exposición, "46 Años de Sueños... Una Trayectoria", estará disponible hasta el 31 de Agosto en la Biblioteca Viva Oeste, sector Las Terrazas, Local 110. Y lo más importante es que tiene entrada liberada, por lo tanto no tiene excusa para no acudir.
Visual Arts
46 Years of Dreams ... A trajectory
It’s not too easy to find Chilean cartoonists who have faithfully practiced their profession throughout their life. This is the case of Luis Alberto Percáres, an artist with over 46 years of experience who is presenting his most recent works at the Viva Library at the Plaza Oeste Mall.
The exhibition includes original works on the techniques of watercolour, Indian ink and pencil. The attendees can watch and understand more about the genres of drawing, as cartoons, illustrations and comics. That's why the artist explained the concepts and their differences.
No doubt he has "46 Years of Dreams ... A trajectory," because the cartoonist demonstrates that he knows how to handle the brush as one pleases and with the utmost perfection. This means that we are facing a show with a level of quality that is not always possible to visualize in Chile.
Luis Alberto Percáres is a cartoonist, publicist, poet and visual artist. His works have toured Chile and abroad, through social media, advertising and exhibitions. He has also been recognized and honoured for the new generations of artists, as well as for different government and private institutions.
If we go through the walls of the gallery slowly, we can find illustrations for children where the innocence of the tale characters excites, both adults and children. Also humoristic drawing is present with Tommy, one of the comic characters of the artist and who makes you smile with his white jokes.
In addition, Luis Alberto Percáres is one of the few cartoonists who manages the love comics. That is why he is exhibiting some pages of his latest creations, in order to teach more about this genre.
And for those who follow daily news contingency will enjoy the caricatures and portraits of famous people. So we are surprised with movie stars, presidents of different countries, outstanding athletes, singers and TV people.
The exhibition "46 Years of Dreams... A trajectory," is open until 31st August at the Viva Oeste Library, Las Terrazas sector, 110 local. And most important is that the admissions are free, therefore there is no excuses for not attending.
Luis Percáres on the News
This article originally appeared on "Ojos Inquisidores" in August - 2009.Visual Arts
46 Years of Dreams ... A trajectory
By Lilian Soledad Pérez
The exhibition includes original works on the techniques of watercolour, Indian ink and pencil. The attendees can watch and understand more about the genres of drawing, as cartoons, illustrations and comics. That's why the artist explained the concepts and their differences.
No doubt he has "46 Years of Dreams ... A trajectory," because the cartoonist demonstrates that he knows how to handle the brush as one pleases and with the utmost perfection. This means that we are facing a show with a level of quality that is not always possible to visualize in Chile.
Luis Alberto Percáres is a cartoonist, publicist, poet and visual artist. His works have toured Chile and abroad, through social media, advertising and exhibitions. He has also been recognized and honoured for the new generations of artists, as well as for different government and private institutions.
If we go through the walls of the gallery slowly, we can find illustrations for children where the innocence of the tale characters excites, both adults and children. Also humoristic drawing is present with Tommy, one of the comic characters of the artist and who makes you smile with his white jokes.
In addition, Luis Alberto Percáres is one of the few cartoonists who manages the love comics. That is why he is exhibiting some pages of his latest creations, in order to teach more about this genre.
And for those who follow daily news contingency will enjoy the caricatures and portraits of famous people. So we are surprised with movie stars, presidents of different countries, outstanding athletes, singers and TV people.
The exhibition "46 Years of Dreams... A trajectory," is open until 31st August at the Viva Oeste Library, Las Terrazas sector, 110 local. And most important is that the admissions are free, therefore there is no excuses for not attending.